Wey-TEK HD – ACR Ancillary Product of the Year 2017 1/3/17
The JAVAC Wey-TEK HD won the ACR ancillary product of the year. The Wey-TEK is the world’s first Bluetooth enabled Bluetooth refrigeration scale seen off strong competition to win the award.
This scale was developed not only to perform in an ever-changing technological environment, but also to set the standards for versatility, durability and accuracy, by offering a larger capacity maximum weight of 115kg.
The ‘job log’ feature of the Wey-TEK HD provides users a full data log of completed jobs, that can easily be emailed or ‘snapshot’ to either the customer or the office. Engineers described this as “made a notable difference in assisting both refrigeration and air conditioning engineers by making F-Gas tracking a simple three click process via the free downloadable app.”
The JAVAC Wey-TEK HD is available now.
Any enquiries to sales@javac.co.uk or call (01642) 232 880